no... things were not ok....
- by gerold blankface - 10/25/2005 - 3:12:02 am v1- by gerold blankface - 10/25/2005 3:12:02 am
Gerold Blankface10/25/2005 3:12:21 am
no... things were not ok....
CharmingCharles10/25/2005 4:44:59 am
moheevi10/25/2005 10:38:57 am
that's my grandpa! wh
\<10/25/2005 2:49:46 pm
i watched eXistenZ last night, and when i came here after that this was the first picture i saw and i was like "dude - are you still in the game?" ;)
Gerold Blankface10/25/2005 10:12:51 pm
I saw the funky flick a few years back... I actually thought it was a mini-movie, or a twilight-zone or outer-limits or something...
I saw the funky flick a few years back... I actually thought it was a mini-movie, or a twilight-zone or outer-limits or something...
\<10/26/2005 4:36:28 am
i see what you mean. it does have a certain short story-like quality to it. i liked it. but its not like its gonna puzzle you until youve seen it like 64 times before you think you finally know what its about and youre even puzzleder :P btw im puzzled by my grammar, but who cares.