Untitled - by kix
- by kix - 10/9/2005 - 3:54:28 am
v1- by kix - 10/9/2005 3:54:28 am
kix10/9/2005 3:55:26 am
just because im so friggin proud of this one:
\<10/9/2005 3:57:46 am
hahaha cool

ey gib ma ne kippe!
yanbu10/9/2005 5:30:24 am
how'd you do it?
Gerold Blankface10/9/2005 8:31:41 am
wow !!
very well done
awesome negative space !!!
lm10/9/2005 6:21:30 pm
derbe fotomontage!
kix10/9/2005 9:45:37 pm
camera fixed on one point. then we did ca. 20 fotos.
the rest was hard photoshop-work:)