Untitled - by kix
- by kix - 7/12/2005 - 12:07:21 am
v1- by kix - 7/12/2005 12:07:21 am
kix7/12/2005 12:16:28 am
sorry.. drunk
Al7/12/2005 12:58:14 am
But dont drive and drunk.
kix7/12/2005 1:24:53 am
*burps* what? wheres my car?
its mc drive time!
N-Jin7/12/2005 1:34:11 am
yes, thats a good idea. you go to meckes in recklinghausen and bring me some whoppers from bk if you are on the way. what do you think about it? great, isnt it?
crispy corn puffs7/12/2005 3:14:28 am
burb* nothing!
full alreddy!too much beer inside.lol