Untitled - by kix
- by kix - 6/27/2005 - 3:33:22 am
v1- by kix - 6/27/2005 3:33:22 am
kix6/27/2005 3:33:46 am
gorillaz_chick6/27/2005 3:39:14 am
wow! whats the weather in england? lol
N-Jin6/27/2005 3:40:24 am
england? what is that???
newbieandalwayswillbe6/27/2005 3:47:33 am
thats really cool!
Kachelmann6/27/2005 3:59:10 am
yeah, this looks really great. maybe i could use it at my show. ;o)
gorillaz_chick6/27/2005 4:02:49 am
England is an country that i live in!
newbieandalwayswillbe6/27/2005 4:11:19 am
thats really cool!
newbieandalwayswillbe6/27/2005 4:22:26 am
thats really cool!
kix6/27/2005 5:03:12 am
oh its noonesland...
and emma: everybody here knows that you live in england !!!
also like everybody here knows you are very young!!!
kix6/27/2005 5:09:28 am
and tell your forum freind not to push the refresh button over and over again in case she/he didnt already realize what happens then
ow6/27/2005 5:17:21 am
i luv kix
andy b6/27/2005 8:47:52 am
kix, i have never been more attracted to another human being as i am right now
kix6/27/2005 3:54:11 pm