- by kiddo - 6/16/2005 - 11:31:02 pm 
v1- by kiddo - 6/16/2005 11:31:02 pm
.....6/16/2005 11:31:43 pm
ill be gone a couple days so see yall in a lil while ! :)
edu_funkman6/16/2005 11:55:54 pm
wish ya luck
yanbu6/17/2005 1:05:43 am
wow! this is great great!!! where you going?
kix6/17/2005 2:35:49 am
kiddos giving a mixing-workshop near bremen...
.....6/20/2005 1:17:13 pm
yeah i taught a couple kids how to use a mixin console plus while i was up there i visited an old friend, his wife and my lovely god-child. all went really great and it was great fun.
on the way there when i had to change trains i almost put a euro into an internet-payphone type of thing to see whats up here. but then i didnt.
on the way there when i had to change trains i almost put a euro into an internet-payphone type of thing to see whats up here. but then i didnt.