Untitled - by kix
- by kix - 6/11/2005 - 1:50:09 pm
v1- by kix - 6/11/2005 1:50:09 pm
kix6/11/2005 1:52:14 pm
me and kiddo wish a great evening and lift our beers to cheer from germany to detroit :)
wish we could be there!!!
N-Jin6/11/2005 2:06:07 pm
hey! where are the greetings to datteln???
kix6/11/2005 2:24:47 pm
boah n-jin! :)
du kriss auch gar nix mit... heute is doch die austellung in detroid!!!
quasi jetzt grade!!!!!!!!
..--- ...-- -.- .. -.. -.. ---6/12/2005 6:13:09 am
easy jungs...sonst hol ich den papa!
le tristes6/12/2005 1:54:06 pm
ey...nur deutsche hier...habt ihr kein zuhause oder wat?
..--- ...-- -.- .. -.. -.. ---6/13/2005 2:31:39 am
:P n?U! pah - selber!! ;)