Untitled - by lm
- by lm - 6/2/2005 - 9:30:10 am
v1- by lm - 6/2/2005 9:30:10 am
lm6/2/2005 9:30:45 am
Fubster6/2/2005 9:49:59 am
yanbu6/2/2005 4:55:12 pm
it's like not out of your skin but your skin out of you
flava flav6/3/2005 12:47:25 am
we all black inside
Chris6/3/2005 2:14:47 am
You shuold submit this for a t-shirt design on threadless.com . If this was on a shirt, i'd buy it :P It looks cool.
lm6/3/2005 6:27:23 am
i hate threadless. i submitted a few designs but none of them made it. not that they were bad, a little "gross" maybe. at least they were not boring.
Chris6/3/2005 4:39:24 pm
Well more fools them!