- by kix - 6/1/2005 - 11:58:22 am v1- by kix - 6/1/2005 11:58:22 am
kix6/1/2005 12:01:43 pm
The angry flagman6/1/2005 12:21:12 pm
Far out man!!!!!
sheep6/1/2005 1:00:05 pm
Nice one. I almost gave away a secret but caught myself. Some of you might know what that would be but shhhhhhhhhhh, don't say anything.
kix6/1/2005 2:17:12 pm
Gerold Blankface6/1/2005 3:00:32 pm
Holy crap!
this is amazing !
excellent use of negative space !
this is amazing !
excellent use of negative space !
yanbu6/1/2005 5:37:25 pm
love this kix
kix6/2/2005 2:01:33 am
thanks all. but what did sheep mean?
Gerold Blankface6/2/2005 2:40:43 am
well,... Now don't be upset, but... Sheep's your father, Kix...
well,... Now don't be upset, but... Sheep's your father, Kix...
fatribz6/2/2005 2:54:07 am
..--- ...-- -.- .. -.. -.. ---6/2/2005 2:59:17 am
kix6/2/2005 3:08:10 am
sheep6/3/2005 1:35:52 am
It has to do with an excellent TV show that's just starting overseas that has just wrapped up it's season over in the USA.