Untitled - by kix
- by kix - 5/9/2005 - 11:58:48 pm
v1- by kix - 5/9/2005 11:58:48 pm
kix5/9/2005 11:59:05 pm
what i just did
unknown5/10/2005 5:27:19 am
You painted the floor with someone's blood? D'oh!
kix5/10/2005 6:25:50 am
it was floorpaint but it was exactly the same colour!! it looked disgusting!!!
unknown5/10/2005 9:25:16 am
*punches person that came up with nasty floor-paint color*
mic5/10/2005 11:37:24 am
"at first it looked disgusting, but then i got used to it and after some time the idea of having the room floor painted with someones blood somehow made me feel excited...."
haha, great
mic5/10/2005 11:39:01 am
now that i think of it, the hallway in our house is the same kind of red. i never examined what it realy was..