Untitled - by kiddo
- by kiddo - 5/2/2005 - 11:09:04 am
v1- by kiddo - 5/2/2005 11:09:04 am
k1dd05/2/2005 11:09:21 am
fatribz5/2/2005 3:29:01 pm
k1dd05/3/2005 7:18:33 am
yeah thanks!

i just took some ecstasy, aint no tellin what the side effects could be
mf5/3/2005 9:40:02 am

imo, underworld "beaucoup fish" is the best album with a roll.
k1dd05/3/2005 1:52:18 pm
haha i had to look that word up :)

yeah well ...me personally im way too inexperienced xtc-wise to give any music recommendations ;)
i only remember that hard techno didnt work for me at all :O
mf5/3/2005 3:24:02 pm
which word?
k1dd05/4/2005 1:45:50 am
"roll" :) im glad theres urbandictionary.com ;)
mf5/4/2005 11:56:58 am
hehe, ahh, ok