- by tthunderdan - 5/2/2005 - 6:51:13 am v1- by tthunderdan - 5/2/2005 6:51:13 am
tthunderdan5/2/2005 6:51:32 am
Gerold Blankface5/2/2005 6:52:20 am
Mmmm... i hate it when the get so close they ignite... i can almost smell those. crap, now i want smores.
yanbu5/2/2005 7:01:24 am
i just grilled some hot dogz and corn on the cob! mmm
The angry flagman5/2/2005 9:14:41 am
I just had me a nice hot bowl of ramen noodles, The breakfast, lunch and dinner of college students world wide.
tim5/2/2005 10:19:29 am
don't forget the pizza alternative to ramen: totino's party pizza
tthunderdan5/2/2005 12:31:24 pm
...tonys pizza is better than totinos, try it, you like it...
tim5/3/2005 9:31:36 am
i'll have to czech it out, is tony's ten pizzas for ten bucks?
k1dd05/4/2005 1:47:08 am
10 pizzas for 10 bucks! :O thats ridiculous!