Untitled - by kiddo
- by kiddo - 5/2/2005 - 5:38:28 am
v1- by kiddo - 5/2/2005 5:38:28 am
k1dd05/2/2005 5:51:19 am
good friends and a bottle of pills

last night there was this real big techno event in dortmund, so today on my way to work i ran across all kinds of ravers at the train station... one of them looked like he was gonna collapse any minute, and i was kinda thinkin that dude doesnt need a ride home, he needs an ambulance, but 2 of his friends were with him, so i thought everything was cool. they took the same train i did, the other 2 draggin drugged-up man behind them, and they were always pointin at him and tellin people "thats how you look when you took too many drugs..." ...couple people looked offended, anyhow, i fell asleep, and woke up one station before the one i had to get off...the train started rollin...and then suddenly stopped. when i looked outta the window i saw this drugged up dude lying on the platform, bleedin...i got off the train and wanted to make someone call an ambulance, when i realized they already called one...anyways...i noticed that his foot was twisted like 270 degrees and somehow jammed in under the train...luckily one of the passengers was a nurse, and they yelled at her to do something, which she did...apparently what happened was this: he got off the train, then wanted to say something to his friends, grabbed a hold of the window, then slipped and sorta fell under the train...his foot gets caught in between some nasty steel things, someone pulls the emergency brake, he gets dragged along the platform for a couple of yards...until the train stops

i think he broke his foot, maybe his shin or something, but apart from that, and whatever damage the drugs did to him he's prolly alright. lucky man.
vic5/3/2005 4:45:44 pm
awwww gross!
k1dd05/4/2005 1:44:16 am
i know. but itd couldve been a lot grosser if he hadn been so lucky.