Untitled - by kiddo
- by kiddo - 4/27/2005 - 12:29:21 pm
v1- by kiddo - 4/27/2005 12:29:21 pm
k1dd04/27/2005 12:30:56 pm
tunafish & onions

prolly the most delicious pizza ever invented, my favorite anyways =P
Gerold Blankface4/27/2005 4:03:29 pm
dude... I cannot imagine how, in this world, with physics being physics from this univers, how this could be good tasting...
ps: excellent drawing tho. Superb, HEY JIMMY, GIMME A PIZZA WITH NUTTIN !!
fatribz4/27/2005 8:06:30 pm
ohmommabless, pizza is the best food on earf!
k1dd04/27/2005 10:05:20 pm
haha i knew thatd gross you out :)
hm somehow that variety never made it over to the states i guess...which is really strange...every pizza place in germany and i believe in all of europe has those on the menu...i believe it's kix' favorite kind too for example...

btw its cooked tuna chunks, right, not raw tuna...

mic4/28/2005 8:58:17 am
they might have it on the menu, but i'd never eat it, ble..
once i had one with artichoke, that was disgusting