- by kiddo - 4/27/2005 - 12:29:21 pm 
v1- by kiddo - 4/27/2005 12:29:21 pm
k1dd04/27/2005 12:30:56 pm
tunafish & onions
prolly the most delicious pizza ever invented, my favorite anyways =P
prolly the most delicious pizza ever invented, my favorite anyways =P
Gerold Blankface4/27/2005 4:03:29 pm
dude... I cannot imagine how, in this world, with physics being physics from this univers, how this could be good tasting...
ps: excellent drawing tho. Superb, HEY JIMMY, GIMME A PIZZA WITH NUTTIN !!
ps: excellent drawing tho. Superb, HEY JIMMY, GIMME A PIZZA WITH NUTTIN !!
fatribz4/27/2005 8:06:30 pm
ohmommabless, pizza is the best food on earf!
k1dd04/27/2005 10:05:20 pm
haha i knew thatd gross you out :)
hm somehow that variety never made it over to the states i guess...which is really strange...every pizza place in germany and i believe in all of europe has those on the menu...i believe it's kix' favorite kind too for example...
btw its cooked tuna chunks, right, not raw tuna...
hm somehow that variety never made it over to the states i guess...which is really strange...every pizza place in germany and i believe in all of europe has those on the menu...i believe it's kix' favorite kind too for example...
btw its cooked tuna chunks, right, not raw tuna...
mic4/28/2005 8:58:17 am
they might have it on the menu, but i'd never eat it, ble..
once i had one with artichoke, that was disgusting
once i had one with artichoke, that was disgusting