- by tthunderdan - 2/19/2005 - 1:52:01 am v1- by tthunderdan - 2/19/2005 1:52:01 am
tthunderdan2/19/2005 1:52:15 am
kix2/19/2005 5:02:21 am
yep. seeka, le tristes, lm(lyquid mind), 23 kiddo and me. please write your name here if i forgot to mention
tthunderdan2/19/2005 5:05:56 am
is there a good website I could check out? maybe with help wanted ads?
bill2/19/2005 6:47:41 am
no shit!! you guys all live in germany!?
wow what a small world
wow what a small world
Anubix2/19/2005 7:05:32 am
all from Germany eh.........you know the world cup is coming up and i really want to go
kix2/19/2005 7:54:11 am
kix2/19/2005 7:59:58 am
for dan: i googled a second and found this:
looked good an du can choose english as language:)
looked good an du can choose english as language:)
lm2/19/2005 9:59:54 am
"have a party in the pott." nice one
Koma2/21/2005 6:54:06 am
bin auch aus deutschland----from germany too!!
greetz to the world!!
greetz to the world!!