collaborative drawing open to Shunt, -dex-, -S@ms0n-, Al, alex temple, alextemple, andy, andy b, asshole, Beurkeek, bupobm, deepz0ne, deerfactory, dikke, edd, elK, emily k, emma, Emma., espcomix, ethermonkey, FailedSquare, fatribz, g00mba, gerold blankface, HALE, HALE., justin, Justin-Vogel, La Salle de Bains, le tarte a pomme, LondonVisitor, Luke, maarten, mf, MR, mrae, mrtick, naranjon, pompous percival, poopmustache, Rock'o Cemento, seeka, shovelhead, stevie of the north, TehNewbstress, The Angry Flagman, toothaction, tthunderdan, VanLodz, vic, VonFink, yanbu, ylla, zundertopf, zundertopf11, zunwa
v1 - by Shunt - 12/24/2019 12:36:03 pm
Time: 5 mins 8 secs
Time: 5 mins 8 secs
v2 - by Shunt - 12/24/2019 12:38:45 pm
Time: 36 secs
Time: 36 secs
v3 - by The Angry Flagman - 12/24/2019 1:41:43 pm
Time: 11 mins 20 secs
Time: 11 mins 20 secs
The Angry Flagman12/24/2019 1:42:16 pm
I cant find my draw tablet.... again.
v4 - by yanbu - 12/25/2019 7:35:30 am
Time: 5 mins 55 secs
Time: 5 mins 55 secs
yanbu12/25/2019 7:35:39 am
merry xmas palz!
Shunt12/25/2019 11:07:14 am