- by fatribz - 11/16/2013 - 5:32:23 pm Time: 12 mins 8 secs v1- by fatribz - 11/16/2013 5:32:23 pm
Time: 12 mins 8 secs
Time: 12 mins 8 secs
fatribz11/16/2013 5:40:19 pm
this drawing was stolen from africa
i wont give the url, such is the
disgrace/shame but at least its a
drawing on 10eastern.com right,
here: imagine this is a board game
in digital format:
媘 娊 娋 娌 å¨ å¨Ž å¨
心 忄 必 忆 忇 忈 弗
çµ™ 絚 çµ› 絜 çµ çµž 絟
♚ ♔ ♖ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙
♘ ♘ ♘ ♘ ♘ ♘ ♘
think of it as a news article. like
this is an on going game in africa
and the news is getting the current
positions out. the game requires a
lot of mental power to understand.
and you understand it. so have fun
imaging the next move and the
implications and have a good
i wont give the url, such is the
disgrace/shame but at least its a
drawing on 10eastern.com right,
here: imagine this is a board game
in digital format:
媘 娊 娋 娌 å¨ å¨Ž å¨
心 忄 必 忆 忇 忈 弗
çµ™ 絚 çµ› 絜 çµ çµž 絟
♚ ♔ ♖ ♙ ♙ ♙ ♙
♘ ♘ ♘ ♘ ♘ ♘ ♘
think of it as a news article. like
this is an on going game in africa
and the news is getting the current
positions out. the game requires a
lot of mental power to understand.
and you understand it. so have fun
imaging the next move and the
implications and have a good
ethermonkey11/16/2013 8:27:14 pm
Au jus!