3 weeks off! - by Shunt
3 weeks off!
- by Shunt - 7/13/2013 - 1:14:00 am Time: 6 mins 39 secs
v1 - by Shunt - 7/13/2013 1:14:00 am
Time: 5 mins 54 secs
Shunt7/13/2013 1:14:57 am
Yay!! Time to relax, chill, do nothing, lazing around, be with friends...... love it!
v2 - by Shunt - 7/14/2013 4:21:17 am
Time: 45 secs
fatribz7/14/2013 2:18:05 pm
nice isn't it?
Shunt7/14/2013 2:57:16 pm
Yeah it's beyond nice, especially because I have thrown off that heavy weight that's been on my shoulders for about 10 years... Almost all worries are gone! Week #22 has changed my life! Thanks MS, love u, friend for life!