Untitled - by ethermonkey, Shunt
- by ethermonkey, Shunt - 4/17/2013 - 8:30:59 pm Time: 15 mins 52 secs
collaborative drawing open to everybody
v1 - by ethermonkey - 4/17/2013 8:30:59 pm
Time: 14 mins 19 secs
v2 - by Shunt - 4/17/2013 9:45:09 pm
Time: 1 min 33 secs
Shunt4/17/2013 9:45:32 pm
Here had that bridge gone? I just drew that yesterd... Oh...
Shunt4/17/2013 9:45:42 pm
ethermonkey4/18/2013 10:14:55 pm
Hear Hair the brig wrong?
Shunt4/22/2013 11:00:51 pm
Why was the Depeche Mode gig cancelled? Because the singer's gahan!