Classic - by omtra
- by omtra - 3/3/2013 - 12:21:22 pm Time: 3hrs 3 mins 33 secs
v1- by omtra - 3/3/2013 12:21:22 pm
Time: 3hrs 3 mins 33 secs
yanbu3/3/2013 3:34:01 pm
whoooaaaaa!!! totally classic! man i love this! and the draw time is all 3's down to the second, that can't be an accident even if it was!
espcomix3/3/2013 11:27:40 pm
omtra3/4/2013 12:27:10 am
thank you for your support
Shunt3/4/2013 4:25:17 am
That's weirdly weird indeed! 3 hours, 3 minutes and 33 seconds on the 3rd day of the 3rd month! Plus, if you add the numbers of the id (2+4+5+4+0) you get 15, those added make 6 which is 2 times 3!
fatribz3/6/2013 8:33:27 pm
super tech class
FailedSquare3/7/2013 8:54:01 am
oh verrryyy nice
mrae3/9/2013 2:17:50 pm