Untitled - by The Angry Flagman
- by The Angry Flagman - 2/2/2013 - 5:55:24 am Time: 12 mins 6 secs
v1 - by The Angry Flagman - 2/2/2013 5:55:24 am
Time: 10 mins 45 secs
The Angry Flagman2/2/2013 5:56:47 am
Its so hard to draw with a mouse. The damm thing keeps bitting my fingers.
fatribz2/2/2013 8:50:40 am
hahaha.. give that mouse hell, Flagman. i am starting a collab for us
yanbu2/2/2013 9:38:02 am
hi flagman!
The Angry Flagman2/2/2013 10:33:39 am
Hi guys! Between Computer failures, getting my truck totaled by a texting schoolbus driver and dealing with predatory car salesmen I havent had much time for anhything. Hope to get my tablet working soon. Need to empty my head.
v2 - by The Angry Flagman - 2/2/2013 10:51:16 am
Time: 1 min 21 secs