I'm into big faces at the moment - by Shunt
I'm into big faces at the moment
- by Shunt - 1/13/2013 - 9:32:22 am Time: 10 mins 17 secs
v1 - by Shunt - 1/13/2013 9:32:22 am
Time: 9 mins 57 secs
Shunt1/13/2013 9:34:29 am
This is Gino Brandvleck. Gino is NEVER bored. Happy happy Gino!
The Angry Flagman1/13/2013 9:35:35 am
AYYYY Gino, You got a chad hanging!
v2 - by Shunt - 1/13/2013 9:35:45 am
Time: 20 secs
Shunt1/13/2013 9:41:12 am
Urban Dictionary... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hanging%20chad&defid=1425999

Instead of being bored, Gino thinks of funny words and random numbers. Keeps him busy for hours!
The Angry Flagman1/13/2013 9:42:43 am
I like to smell lamp shades for fun.
espcomix1/13/2013 7:25:19 pm
nice 1