- by Shunt - 12/22/2012 - 4:23:33 pm Time: 3 mins 54 secs v1- by Shunt - 12/22/2012 4:23:33 pm
Time: 3 mins 54 secs
Time: 3 mins 54 secs
Shunt12/22/2012 4:25:26 pm
What if 10E had some kind of message board where members could embed their tunes, some blog thing saying (member) posted a new tune or (member) made a new drawing... Could be something. Could be nothing either
ethermonkey12/22/2012 8:23:04 pm
yanbu12/23/2012 8:58:58 am
that's a great idea! i miss having the forum around, i've been thinking of getting another going too - will pursue this in the coming weeks!