collaborative drawing open to Shunt, Beurkeek, deerfactory, dikke, espcomix, ethermonkey, fatribz, HALE, idwtwwr, loopdogg, mrae, yanbu

v1 - by Shunt - 12/12/2012 3:06:40 am
Time: 2 mins 33 secs
Time: 2 mins 33 secs
Shunt12/12/2012 3:06:59 am
Open to 12 drawrers

v2 - by ethermonkey - 12/12/2012 6:51:50 pm
Time: 21 mins 54 secs
Time: 21 mins 54 secs

v3 - by ethermonkey - 12/12/2012 11:21:06 pm
Time: 1 hr 26 mins 47 secs
Time: 1 hr 26 mins 47 secs
fatribz12/13/2012 5:38:38 pm
gotta build up the strength for this one. great start

v4 - by Shunt - 12/14/2012 6:44:11 am
Time: 4 mins 38 secs
Time: 4 mins 38 secs
Shunt12/14/2012 6:51:54 am
Within a week, the polar shift will take place. That is, what believers say. They overlooked one very very very important detail though. The Maya's formed their calendar about 5000 years ago. Julius Caesar and a pope of whom I have forgotten the name, reformed the calendar to what it is now. Originally the year started 1st of March. Any idea where the names of September, October, November and December come from? From the latin names of seven, eight, nine and ten. July and August were first named Julius and Sextilis. So if there were added two months before the official start of the year, it was actually March in January and the polar shift would have happened in October. Am I right?
fatribz12/14/2012 7:07:21 pm
we'll find out soon enough.. wait, when exactly? March? they added months? wouldn't that kinda screw up the season/month line up in a few years?
gerold blankface12/15/2012 11:16:22 am
The silly part is, archeologists have found Mayan calendars that go beyond this month and many centuries into the future, but they have received almost no peas because it isn't sensational enough... And the galactic alignment? It is as common as your birthday. Polar shifts and solar flats ate indeed devastating and we are due for the 2030's an asteroid will pass between us and or satellites. 7 years later, if we do nothing, it will hit us. It is solid iron and is classified as am extinction level event.i hope Bruce Willis and Ben Afflec are training now.
gerold blankface12/15/2012 11:17:12 am
The silly part is, archeologists have found Mayan calendars that go beyond this month and many centuries into the future, but they have received almost no press because it isn't sensational enough... And the galactic alignment? It is as common as your birthday. Polar shifts and solar flats ate indeed devastating and we are due for the 2030's an asteroid will pass between us and or satellites. 7 years later, if we do nothing, it will hit us. It is solid iron and is classified as am extinction level event.i hope Bruce Willis and Ben Afflec are training now.
Shunt12/15/2012 1:31:29 pm
And what do you drawrers think what actually will happen december 21st.?
I always refer to the story of someone who went to a soothsayer to ask when he/she was going to die. After moaning and moaning some more the soothsayer told him or her a date. At that day, nothing was happening. The person committed suicide because of going bezerk.
Next week I expect nothing more than people and/or sects doing weird things because they're scared. Whatever happens, let's make an agreement we'll meet up on the other side and keep on drawring ok? ;-)
I always refer to the story of someone who went to a soothsayer to ask when he/she was going to die. After moaning and moaning some more the soothsayer told him or her a date. At that day, nothing was happening. The person committed suicide because of going bezerk.
Next week I expect nothing more than people and/or sects doing weird things because they're scared. Whatever happens, let's make an agreement we'll meet up on the other side and keep on drawring ok? ;-)
fatribz12/16/2012 12:31:16 pm
Y2K Reprise. I like that, could be a title to some music

v5 - by fatribz - 12/24/2012 10:32:24 pm
Time: 3 mins 58 secs
Time: 3 mins 58 secs
fatribz12/24/2012 10:34:06 pm
'(*' da years!