- by vic - 12/19/2004 - 11:48:11 pm v1- by vic - 12/19/2004 11:48:11 pm
vic12/19/2004 11:49:21 pm
this cat took too damn long.
ad12/20/2004 3:30:27 am
holy goddamn shitty ass hell this is awesome
a-xir12/20/2004 7:27:25 am
*meow* good things need time :) and i see you could spend a bit more - it would be more realistic
vic12/20/2004 1:55:17 pm
sorry it wasn't finished. was at work, the next shift was coming on. thought maybe it's head should have been on a pike.
Zunwa12/20/2004 2:11:49 pm
Zunwa12/20/2004 2:32:30 pm
same face! http://pya.cc/pyaimg/img3/2004092810.jpg