- by Shunt - 3/23/2012 - 8:46:16 am Time: 8 mins 17 secs 
v1- by Shunt - 3/23/2012 8:46:16 am
Time: 8 mins 17 secs
Time: 8 mins 17 secs
Shunt3/23/2012 8:47:09 am
Imagine an office with two phones. Someone has switched the receivers. Phone A rings.
Which receiver has to be picked up?
Which receiver has to be picked up?
yanbu3/23/2012 7:32:59 pm
ima gonna guess b, B. i like this drawing
fatribz3/24/2012 5:36:57 am
I think b too, but I wouldn't be surprised if some phones ring out of the receiver
Shunt3/24/2012 6:11:13 am
If you pick up receiver B, phone A stops ringing. But what happens next?
fatribz3/29/2012 5:00:46 pm
oh shit, oh shit.. I know this.. speak a greeting with an even pace.. clearly.. await response