- by fatribz - 10/6/2011 - 5:44:46 pm Time: 16 mins 13 secs 
v1- by fatribz - 10/6/2011 5:44:46 pm
Time: 16 mins 13 secs
Time: 16 mins 13 secs
yanbu10/6/2011 6:31:13 pm
oh yeah. this makes me think of basketball? wait that should have been a statement.
fatribz10/6/2011 8:28:23 pm
wait, look at the guy on the right. black cranium for a skull. Bowling too?? no? I thought the black guy would stand out... back to the drawing board...
fatribz10/6/2011 8:29:23 pm
fatribz10/6/2011 8:30:42 pm
yanbu10/6/2011 8:44:43 pm
medibot! i've seen so many look around you's but had no idea this was part of it. thanks. on another note, due to some mega sleep problems i've been having for a long time, the doc prescribed ambien for me. there have been a few nights where i've taken the pill with the intention of just going to sleep but end up getting busy with other stuff and fight it off. really weird things happen, the other night i was talking on the phone looking at the ceiling (one of those bumpy roller style ceilings) and everything started moving, a lot. i remember letting it move around and being aware of it, kind of controlling the amount of movement? well anyways, i'm fighting it again unintentionally and should go to sleep.
Shunt10/6/2011 11:35:57 pm
I see various things in this! Like!
Shunt10/7/2011 12:23:40 am
Wow Fatribz, I just posted that Games song to my FB wall