Music collab
- by Shunt - 9/18/2011 - 12:47:55 am Time: 14 mins 42 secs collaborative drawing open to everybody

v1 - by Shunt - 9/18/2011 12:47:55 am
Time: 10 mins 17 secs
Time: 10 mins 17 secs
Shunt9/18/2011 12:54:39 am
Fatz! I could use some sound files made by YOU! No matter what, short snippets or funny sounds, you singing or rapping something, anything! I'm working on a song consisting of various fragments from all thinkable and unthinkable sources! It has a 120bpm tempo, up till now it lasts 2'45". You got my e-mail address... Thanks in advance!
fatribz9/18/2011 12:25:08 pm
Shunt9/18/2011 3:06:59 pm
thanks! I'm drunk now (really) - I'll have to listen to it in the morning before I leave for work, or in the afternoon/evening
Shunt9/19/2011 1:51:49 pm
There's Cake n' Ketchup in this fridge

v2 - by Shunt - 9/19/2011 2:16:01 pm
Time: 2 mins 56 secs
Time: 2 mins 56 secs

v3 - by Shunt - 9/19/2011 9:54:58 pm
Time: 1 min 29 secs
Time: 1 min 29 secs