|= /-| T |2 | |3 Z
- by Shunt - 11/13/2010 - 9:52:47 am Time: 51 mins 16 secs 
v1 - by Shunt - 11/13/2010 9:52:47 am
Time: 29 mins 53 secs
Time: 29 mins 53 secs
Shunt11/13/2010 9:53:27 am
I love your tunes Fatribz!

v2 - by Shunt - 11/13/2010 1:03:53 pm
Time: 21 mins 23 secs
Time: 21 mins 23 secs
yanbu11/13/2010 3:06:34 pm
nice! i thought at first this said atari from the thumbnail. ribs has best tunes
Shunt11/14/2010 2:08:54 am
If you wish to use the gradient, you can download it here users.skynet.be/fb203349/gradi.tga
Watch the sliders go as the command thing copies the image!
Watch the sliders go as the command thing copies the image!
fatribz11/14/2010 2:12:50 pm
Thanks all! which tunes have you been listening to, Shunt? Fun draw aswell !
Shunt11/14/2010 11:47:28 pm
I've searched the comments for "mp3" and found them in your posts. Also, the one on your homepage sounds nice!
allman vibe11/15/2010 1:27:44 pm
rainbowin it up
fatribz11/16/2010 6:49:34 pm
all those fileden links are dead though. i gotta get my own webpage togethers..
Shunt11/17/2010 7:32:23 am
Yeah Fatribz, I found out they were unavailable. I'd be glad to hear those! Maybe SoundCloud is an option to put your music up? It gives many possibilities too, somewhat like MySpace but different
fatribz11/18/2010 9:39:56 am
ah ya, ive used that, but havent gotten into it yet
. there is one song on grooveshark though!
. there is one song on grooveshark though!
Shunt11/19/2010 5:47:38 am
Wow, I just got an idea, what if we start from scratch with a song, just send each what we have at that point and add stuf and add other stuff and see what it gets to! Not only collabs with drawings but with music too!
fatribz11/19/2010 11:13:14 am
I am all for it, except my PC got dead and i started over. no music programs or draw scripts. its been a nice break though!