- by idwtwwr - 10/24/2010 - 3:00:42 pm Time: 16 mins 30 secs v1- by idwtwwr - 10/24/2010 3:00:42 pm
Time: 16 mins 30 secs
Time: 16 mins 30 secs
yanbu10/24/2010 8:06:33 pm
no way! how'd you do this?
fatribz10/25/2010 5:07:36 am
wwwow, is this related to iD software?
idwtwwr10/25/2010 5:18:23 am
it's the drawringapp script. just fiddled with it to work with the shipainter interface.
idwtwwr10/25/2010 5:28:07 am
no real fiddling involved. put the draw in floatmode and adjust the toolbar so the app can find the rgbsliders.
seeka10/30/2010 6:10:37 pm