ᑕ Ⴜ ⎔ ས Ύ I ऽ ♏ - by Shunt
ᑕ Ⴜ ⎔ ས Ύ I ऽ ♏
- by Shunt - 10/21/2010 - 8:22:19 am Time: 12 mins 15 secs
v1- by Shunt - 10/21/2010 8:22:19 am
Time: 12 mins 15 secs
Shunt10/21/2010 8:47:49 am
allman vibe10/22/2010 9:32:47 pm
a love story
Shunt5/3/2012 1:35:39 pm
Croynism. One and a half year ago... The hidden messages in this design are, among others: a phallic symbol, initials of 3 people, the word "trinity" and some Flemish expression