I'll probably never make it as an architect
- by Shunt, tthunderdan - 2/28/2010 - 9:15:55 am Time: 30 mins 18 secs collaborative drawing open to everybody

v1 - by Shunt - 2/28/2010 9:15:55 am
Time: 20 mins 13 secs
Time: 20 mins 13 secs
tthunderdan3/1/2010 5:23:40 am
...when I was in hi school I was aspiring to be an architect/draftsman...with 4 yrs of mech/tech/architech drawing under my belt, our final project was a whole set of house plans complete with perspective views of the completed house...my instructor did not see the humor of people laying in the yard and my own design of a chilled half-keg hole/drain in the middle of the large living room...oh to be young again, those drawings are another thing I wish I would've held onto...
Shunt3/1/2010 7:34:52 am
Geniuses always are misunderstood first, then laughed at, after that, accepted, followed by being worshipped, admired and loved and finally envied
tthunderdan3/1/2010 10:42:04 am
...after 5 decades I am still misunderstood, so there is hope yet then...

v2 - by tthunderdan - 3/1/2010 12:06:06 pm
Time: 7 mins 32 secs
Time: 7 mins 32 secs
tthunderdan3/1/2010 12:15:34 pm
...here is one thing I kept from the old days, and one I didn't I kept the girl Anna and she is even more hot today than then mmmmmm the car would be good for a retirement pension now coolio car
Al3/1/2010 12:19:53 pm
nice pic of your woman tthunderdan... and, what car was that?

v3 - by Shunt - 3/1/2010 1:29:02 pm
Time: 2 mins 33 secs
Time: 2 mins 33 secs
tthunderdan3/1/2010 2:39:29 pm
...plain jane '71 barracuda 318 column shift headers and 50's on the back...weeeeee....
fatribz3/1/2010 2:49:57 pm
rockin sockin