Tribute - by Shunt
- by Shunt - 7/7/2009 - 12:55:08 pm Time: 44 mins 5 secs
v1 - by Shunt - 7/7/2009 12:55:08 pm
Time: 31 mins 50 secs
Shunt7/7/2009 12:55:54 pm
Thanks for all the great tunes you've given us Michael... RIP
v2 - by Shunt - 7/7/2009 1:23:40 pm
Time: 8 mins 36 secs
tthunderdan7/7/2009 1:24:33 pm
...an interesting life for sure...
tthunderdan7/7/2009 1:25:52 pm
...but I like mine better now, I'm 50 and still alive...good job Michael!...
yanbu7/7/2009 8:22:21 pm
workin' day and night
Al7/8/2009 12:38:18 am
I never saw MJ live. I was hoping he would make the states so I could see him. Its too bad he is gone. RIP.
v3 - by Shunt - 7/8/2009 7:53:22 am
Time: 3 mins 39 secs
FailedSquare7/10/2009 12:51:51 pm
thanks for touching little boys. XD
Al7/12/2009 11:00:11 am
Failed Square - be nice. There was no proof he did that.