Stonehenge, or what did ya think!
- by Shunt - 6/20/2009 - 8:46:29 am Time: 19 mins 54 secs 
v1 - by Shunt - 6/20/2009 8:46:29 am
Time: 18 mins 18 secs
Time: 18 mins 18 secs
allman vibe6/20/2009 1:07:27 pm
mrae6/20/2009 1:33:32 pm
oh wow, really nice!
TehNewbstress6/20/2009 2:35:18 pm
This picture is really amazing.. Weirdly, I think my favorite part is the star up at the top..

v2 - by Shunt - 6/21/2009 2:27:47 am
Time: 1 min 36 secs
Time: 1 min 36 secs
Shunt6/21/2009 2:32:12 am
I first saw Stonehenge in a picture on the back of a school book during English lessons in 1981 and been wanting to see it ever since! Last year in August I finally did. I will go back one day to see the surrounding area, like the village of Avebury which is actually situated inside a large stone circle. Ancient sites and megaliths are so amazing!