- by ethermonkey - 5/30/2009 - 9:21:24 am Time: 25hrs 8 mins 31 secs v1- by ethermonkey - 5/30/2009 9:21:24 am
Time: 25hrs 8 mins 31 secs
Time: 25hrs 8 mins 31 secs
allman vibe5/30/2009 10:37:27 am
ethermonkey5/31/2009 6:21:19 pm
When there's a slow patch at work, which is as rare as perfectly cooked steak should be, I've taken to attempting to drawr using the bossman's touchpad-only Mac laptop.
These wee kits and the color bar pics are the results thus far.
These wee kits and the color bar pics are the results thus far.