This is what you get for a quarter - by ethermonkey
This is what you get for a quarter
- by ethermonkey - 1/16/2009 - 12:14:54 pm Time: 15hrs 3 mins 30 secs
v1- by ethermonkey - 1/16/2009 12:14:54 pm
Time: 15hrs 3 mins 30 secs
ethermonkey1/16/2009 12:34:26 pm
Thanks, loopdog, for the invitation!
I decided rather than ruin yr fabulous drawing I'd just make my own that wouldn't have occurred to me without yours.
fatribz1/16/2009 5:53:08 pm
fatribz1/16/2009 9:32:38 pm
the horse bets on beatleface right?!
come on, wtfuddrucker, man?!
ethermonkey1/17/2009 7:27:41 am
a.) Oh fribs, I do SO wish I had any idea of what yr talking about; tell me of this Beatleface?

b.) 15hrs 3 mins 30 secs!?! Not likely. At least they're all divisible by three...
fatribz1/17/2009 10:32:07 am
a) the sports episode season two.. the horse builds a prediction machine for sports betting. there is an ant race. one ant is called 'beatleface' if i remember right.. when the horse makes his bet... it one of my favorite moments of the episode.such tenders! hhoho

b) rockin' numbers
fatribz1/17/2009 10:42:49 am
b) 0=*./3|/15 3 30

Trying to learn J and it looks like you are right,

..all leave no remainder, returning a 1 for "Yeah!"

fatribz1/17/2009 10:48:36 am
oops thats is fucking wrong! THIS SHIT IS WERIID AMNG
fatribz1/17/2009 10:59:47 am
oko i rest the spam now with this conclusion:

*./ 0= 3|/ 15 3 30
1 NB. This one means 'True' or 'Yeah!'

*./ 0= 3|/ 15 3 17
0 NB. This zero means, no!

so 15, 3, 30 all divide by 3
while 15, 3, 17 no not all divide by 3.

OK that was great, thanks for letting me trash the 10e lobby