electrics keep on spookin' - by ethermonkey
electrics keep on spookin'
- by ethermonkey - 1/6/2009 - 3:44:54 pm Time: 5 mins 18 secs
v1- by ethermonkey - 1/6/2009 3:44:54 pm
Time: 5 mins 18 secs
ethermonkey1/6/2009 3:45:55 pm
If there weren't a perfectly reasonable explanation I could well claim my house was haunted.
Al1/6/2009 7:29:16 pm
I heard about spooky noises.
Shunt1/8/2009 5:47:15 am
mostly it's the power from earth rays sending out things which some people 'receive' and others don't. They can cause nightmares or insomnia when your bed is positioned above them, and sometimes they can trick your mind which makes you sense things such as noises, smells and sounds, even when they're not there