too bad - by kiddo
too bad
- by kiddo - 9/13/2008 - 6:10:23 am Time: 16 secs
v1- by kiddo - 9/13/2008 6:10:23 am
Time: 16 secs
kiddo9/13/2008 6:11:50 am
hey, i just got my first pen tablet, so i decided to do a picture here as a test. it's a collab with my girlfriend. but apparently my ff wont save images here .. well, here it is:


i think i might be here more often now :)
fatribz9/13/2008 6:58:54 am
great news, mang

i woke up with the desire to check out tablet prices this morning.. weird
kiddo9/13/2008 7:49:26 am
ha! well i cant really recommend any one tablet, as this is my first one (a small bamboo fun) and i literally unboxed it 10 minutes before doing this drawing. it looks and feels very nice though :)
yanbu9/13/2008 9:52:44 pm
hey kiddo what's new?
kiddo9/14/2008 2:43:04 am
just about everything :) i moved to a new city, moved in with my girlfriend, i have a new job .. whole new life basically :)

btw i was here all the time too, like kix, just too lazy or busy to draw!
kiddo9/14/2008 2:50:14 am
oh yeah, my new favorite artist: listen

sorry for ramblin, ill stop now.