old poor gus santo connerz - by ethermonkey, fatribz
old poor gus santo connerz
- by ethermonkey, fatribz - 3/28/2008 - 8:42:38 pm Time: 19 mins 54 secs
collaborative drawing open to everybody
v1 - by ethermonkey - 3/28/2008 8:42:38 pm
Time: 11 mins 7 secs
ethermonkey3/28/2008 8:42:52 pm
ethermonkey3/29/2008 4:29:13 pm
hey lm, where'd you go!
lm3/29/2008 4:32:57 pm
sry, i like the draw but everytime i tried to add something it'd suck
ethermonkey3/29/2008 4:53:46 pm
awwwww, and i was so excited
v2 - by fatribz - 3/29/2008 5:18:16 pm
Time: 8 mins 47 secs
ethermonkey3/30/2008 8:59:30 am
lm, you are still invited, but fribz--yr electronic western solution is wonderful!
fatribz3/30/2008 10:24:45 am
last night at in the wee hours of the dark morn, Once upon a Time in Mexico came on and i viewed the last quarter- ACTIONATICS.HDFfweoi