Nothin' on T.V.
- by bradthedad - 2/1/2008 - 1:39:23 pm Time: 40 mins 44 secs v1 - by bradthedad - 2/1/2008 1:39:23 pm
Time: 19 mins 39 secs
Time: 19 mins 39 secs
v2 - by bradthedad - 2/2/2008 5:11:43 am
Time: 21 mins 5 secs
Time: 21 mins 5 secs
bradthedad2/2/2008 5:13:21 am
Keep your eyes on that snake, he'll distract ya, while they fill your head with empty space.
fatribz2/2/2008 10:03:08 am
great draw and protip, keep time spent on amusements minimal and feed your inquisitive mind,yo!
bradthedad2/5/2008 4:10:08 am
Was actually referring to all of the b.s. political ads, snake being "presidential candidate", they being our lovely corporate democracy, and well empty spaces being our creative thought patterns being blindly ripped from our minds as we stare blankly at the screen determined to vote for the most best dressed, well spoken icon of the new tax season...
or as you said, get busy drawing! Ha!
or as you said, get busy drawing! Ha!