the invitation box... - by ethermonkey
the invitation box...
- by ethermonkey - 10/30/2007 - 1:25:18 pm Time: 20 mins 47 secs
v1 - by ethermonkey - 10/30/2007 1:25:18 pm
Time: 2 mins 13 secs
ethermonkey10/30/2007 1:25:52 pm
..was filled with a blank screen so i had to fix it
ethermonkey10/30/2007 1:25:54 pm
..was filled with a blank screen so i had to fix it
yanbu10/30/2007 1:41:22 pm
did the comment leave twice by refreshing? sheeeit
yanbu10/30/2007 1:41:56 pm
or did you do it out of nostalgia? i couldn't get my comment to go twice
ethermonkey10/30/2007 1:53:17 pm
at least i got you to notice me
kix10/30/2007 1:55:43 pm
refreshing works without comming twice for me...
yanbu10/30/2007 2:26:12 pm
wow! ether you make me feel like i'm the neglectful dad :)
v2 - by ethermonkey - 10/30/2007 7:44:42 pm
Time: 4 mins 41 secs
v3 - by ethermonkey - 10/31/2007 3:17:52 pm
Time: 12 mins 59 secs
v4 - by ethermonkey - 10/31/2007 3:23:50 pm
Time: 54 secs