Untitled - by sheep
- by sheep - 6/29/2004 - 2:54:12 pm
v1- by sheep - 6/29/2004 2:54:12 pm
sheep6/29/2004 3:01:54 pm
Before you climb down the ladder, you throw the board the kerosene was on and the mop down the tunnel. You then climb down the ladder and jump in the water.....$#)?.....the water is cold. You get the sensation of shrinkage as you wonder what your next move is. Any sugestions?
sheep6/29/2004 3:05:14 pm
Sorry sup, I was creating the next drawing and didn' see your "hobo" sugestion. We could climb back out or stay put your choice.
sup6/29/2004 5:20:01 pm
If I can reach the ladder, then I would like to stay down there. Thanks
sheep6/30/2004 2:09:38 pm
You are ready to make your next move. There's a tunnel before you(north)that is blocked by a bolted grate. There are also tunnels to the east, west, and south of you. Which direction do you want to go?
sup6/30/2004 2:56:17 pm
sheep6/30/2004 3:26:12 pm
South it is.