- by kiddo - 5/8/2005 - 2:39:48 am 
v1- by kiddo - 5/8/2005 2:39:48 am
|(5/8/2005 2:46:32 am
tonight i had the weirdest and undrawable dreams i had in a long time. in one sequence i actually stole a coffin because i thought it would look nice when i drew it with a lake in the background. well it was sittin there on some pasture with other coffins, so i thought nothing of it, and just took it. when i had positioned it at the lake and got ready to paint, i remembered that the friends and relatives of the dead person would prolly hate me for that, so i dragged it back to where i found it. then i somehow found out that something really cool would happen if i positioned it at the spot where the crosses from a couple churches surrounding the scene met (at sometime during sunset)(you know ...sorta indiana jones riddle style)