- by kiddo - 1/2/2005 - 3:59:22 am 
v1- by kiddo - 1/2/2005 3:59:22 am
23kiddo1/2/2005 3:59:36 am
its a song --- tough one
seeka(26)(1)1/2/2005 9:22:01 am
Goofy Penut?
23kiddo1/2/2005 9:24:38 am
uhm no ;) a different word for peanut...the song was in the spongebob movie ;)
yanbu1/2/2005 10:48:17 am
goofy goober song
seeka1/2/2005 1:37:14 pm
aaarrrrrrggg spunch bob.....screeaaammmmmm
23kiddo1/3/2005 1:35:09 am
thats right yanbu...
seeka? is something wrong? :P
seeka? is something wrong? :P
seeka(26)(1)1/3/2005 4:03:23 am
yeah there is something wrong with spunchbob and all the people who obey him...including le tristess!!!!
????kiddo1/3/2005 5:19:06 am
...and including kix and me...looks like youre the only one who hates this lil yellow fella...maybe theres something wrong with you :P *zungerausstreck* n?Cn?Cn?Cn?Cn?Cn?C