- by kiddo - 10/11/2004 - 12:26:10 pm 
v1- by kiddo - 10/11/2004 12:26:10 pm
??kiddo10/11/2004 12:26:39 pm
its a band
i was in a rush sort of, this is super ugly. excuse me :)
i was in a rush sort of, this is super ugly. excuse me :)
Borny.(15)10/11/2004 12:35:04 pm
Minnie can't speak english? Is that a band?
Borny.(15)10/11/2004 12:35:58 pm
what the heck is a schettlerd dr boricold?
??kiddo10/11/2004 12:56:36 pm
well - a schefflera arboricola. the arrow's pointin to it !
me with the varying names10/11/2004 1:05:32 pm
bonsai :-/
23kiddo10/11/2004 1:08:05 pm
ehm no
me with the varying names10/11/2004 1:12:46 pm
23kiddo10/11/2004 1:14:26 pm
see. that was easy :)
* > vario
* > vario
me with the varying names(24)10/11/2004 1:14:48 pm