Untitled - by kiddo
- by kiddo - 10/11/2004 - 10:23:00 am
v1- by kiddo - 10/11/2004 10:23:00 am
??kiddo10/11/2004 10:23:29 am
this is maybe even worse :D
??kiddo10/11/2004 10:32:39 am
[ btw my puzzles: #246 #220 & #214 are all still unsolved. these are all people you know. no underground ish from germany or anything... so come on! ]
mez (38)10/11/2004 11:08:34 am
battery steam ghandi
??kiddo10/11/2004 11:17:04 am
nono the arrows pointin at the excact thingy and thats no gandhi, its the dude that wants his lamp rubbed. ehm you know what i mean.
Borny.(14)10/11/2004 11:24:01 am
battery lid genie?
??kiddo10/11/2004 11:27:15 am
yeah well you got i and ii correct, iii only like 99% ... its actually a djinn. now id advise you mess around with all those vowels a lil.
Borny.(14)10/11/2004 11:32:42 am
bad religon?
??kiddo10/11/2004 11:34:27 am
:D coolness you got it


ok this one was a lil constructed, but hey :)
Borny.(15)10/11/2004 11:47:11 am