Untitled - by kiddo
- by kiddo - 10/9/2004 - 6:35:07 am
v1- by kiddo - 10/9/2004 6:35:07 am
??kiddo10/9/2004 6:35:25 am
seeka(12)10/9/2004 6:47:38 am
What means NHL??? Is that short for sth?
??kiddo10/9/2004 7:18:15 am
an abbreviation? no i was thinking of the word "nhl" :P

no seriously, it's short for ... i'm not tellin :)
seeka(12)10/9/2004 7:26:15 am
2 NHL assholes
??kiddo10/9/2004 7:30:20 am
well. no. thats not it.

btw: what about #85 ? anyone? otherwise i'll award myself with 500 bonus points for drawing the baddest, most twistedest puzzles :)
??kiddo10/9/2004 7:37:05 am
also #76 is still up for grabs... (if you dont get them right, itd give me a 1000 point lead...better solve them...)

me with the varying names10/9/2004 11:41:43 am
hmmm a hint, maybe?
yanbu10/9/2004 11:58:08 am
2 pac?
??kiddo10/10/2004 10:17:13 am
yeah finally... :) its 2pac of course
seeka(14)10/10/2004 5:53:00 pm