Untitled - by kiddo
- by kiddo - 10/7/2004 - 10:22:37 am
v1- by kiddo - 10/7/2004 10:22:37 am
23kiddo10/7/2004 10:23:04 am
23kiddo10/7/2004 11:33:50 am
[ ot wow: hex yanbu...i just noticed all those pictures DID work, only theyre way down there...can you take picture 3 and put it up here and erase the rest ;) thanks ]
jvb10/7/2004 12:46:38 pm
yeah, i just did a new one and it stuck it down at the bottom too.
jvb10/7/2004 12:47:25 pm
smoke on the water?
jvb(4)10/7/2004 12:54:55 pm
should we keep score? i have answered four so far.
23kiddo10/7/2004 1:08:29 pm
smoke on the water is correct :)

yeah we could keep score...
>>> i just noticed drawing new pictures REPLACES / ERASES the old ones from the bottom up!! <<<

i suggest we STOP DRAWING until this is fixed !!
seeka10/7/2004 1:21:17 pm
yeah lets start to count the score
kix10/7/2004 4:58:11 pm
i got seven i think...
yanbu10/7/2004 5:43:08 pm
OH SHIT! wtf?? OK i'll try to fix this, damn!

what the hell though?
yanbu10/7/2004 5:44:33 pm
OH SHIT! wtf?? OK i'll try to fix this, damn!

what the hell though?
me with the varying names10/9/2004 8:18:53 am