- by kiddo - 10/6/2004 - 11:09:11 am 
v1- by kiddo - 10/6/2004 11:09:11 am
23kiddo10/6/2004 11:10:03 am
ok now this is a tricky one... (its not an album or a song...)
seeka10/6/2004 11:17:08 am
Needles and Pins yeah!
23kiddo10/6/2004 11:25:55 am
uhm. no. :)
seeka10/6/2004 1:00:38 pm
The Addicts
23kiddo10/6/2004 1:12:50 pm
a sort of "addict" is correct ... ill give another hint ... whats stickin out the blue shirt? ok thats enough now. :P
seeka10/6/2004 1:33:23 pm
So its a label addict a fashion victim or something?
seeka10/6/2004 1:35:32 pm
23kiddo10/6/2004 4:31:40 pm
now - flip those words and youre almost there!
kix10/6/2004 4:44:17 pm
junkie xl!!!
23kiddo10/6/2004 5:40:08 pm
jau ! thats the correct snswer!!
boah seeka ich hoff du kennst die ?berhaupt ;) du hattest es fast :)
boah seeka ich hoff du kennst die ?berhaupt ;) du hattest es fast :)
seeka10/6/2004 5:52:44 pm
nee kenn ich garnich! voll ungebildet