- by tthunderdan - 10/7/2007 - 2:54:50 pm v1- by tthunderdan - 10/7/2007 2:54:50 pm
tthunderdan10/7/2007 2:55:18 pm
guesswho?10/7/2007 2:58:19 pm
I see you're still doing what you do best! Nice to see your drawings again.
tthunderdan10/7/2007 3:01:33 pm
...I am guessing this is that 'newbie' person? thank you and thanks for stopping by, I miss seeing your ever improving stuff...
Newbieandalwayswillbe10/7/2007 3:02:36 pm
Aha, it's not that hard to guess, I guess. I missed drawing here too.