Untitled - by tthunderdan
- by tthunderdan - 7/28/2007 - 6:44:01 pm
v1- by tthunderdan - 7/28/2007 6:44:01 pm
tthunderdan7/28/2007 6:44:41 pm
Gerold Blankface7/30/2007 8:33:12 am
uh oh.. he's got the torch out !
i love it when you get too close and the metal bead pops into the back of your shirt.
tthunderdan7/30/2007 1:15:32 pm
...and don't wear shorts when torching or welding...
The Angry Flagman7/30/2007 6:16:14 pm
I lit my Carhartt jacket on fire once while arc welding.